A clean hand, holding a damp cloth, wiped away the Arabic numerals on the board. The hand was delicate and refined, with a thick palm that suggested good fortune. Its five fingers were white and tender like young bamboo shoots, their tips sharp and pointed like spring shoots carved from jade. The nails were trimmed neatly and shone with a polished sheen, rounded and cute in their rosy hue.,Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!,Feeling deceived, Le classmate didn't expose the other person. After all, it's not good to be too harsh on someone who's struggling. He pretended to be amazed and picked up a few new items to admire, praising their craftsmanship with exaggerated enthusiasm. He even went as far as saying the old man had good taste. What a talent for lying! He should really be a salesman.。