After realizing what had happened, I looked down and saw bodies everywhere. There was no sign of life left.,Mo Wu's voice had improved somewhat, no longer as hoarse as before, even carrying a light and gentle warmth. But the man was already terrified, tears and snot streaming down his face, and at the same time, a foul smell wafted up from below.,Author's Note: Seeing many readers questioning the protagonist's rebirth, here's an explanation. The protagonist's first life was as the eldest daughter of a prominent Mohist family. She foolishly died (murdered by Mu Bai川), using her. In her second life, the protagonist was the head of a modern medical sect. Later, the earth fell into a post-apocalyptic scenario, and the protagonist lived for ten years, slaying demons. At this point, the protagonist unexpectedly reincarnated back to the point of death in her first life, continuing to live and changing her fate from then on.。