Chapter 664: The Flame God Temple Is about to Have Bad Luck

dy consumed all five foundation pills. The true qi inside them exceeded his expectations—so much that it required him to spend more time refining.One night, after a heavy snowfall, the entire mountain...Chapter 664: The Heavenly Fire Temple Will Be In Troubles

Shen Xiang did this on one hand to deepen his relationship with the three sisters, Yan Zilan. Although they were women, their strength and status were high. They were also very beautiful. Regardless of the future, he would definitely receive their care when he returned to the Holy Fire World.On the other hand, he also wanted to prove whether he had the ability to extract the Fire Souls from dead people and then incorporate them into others.

“Take this. Eat it when you feel pain later, and it should alleviate the pain.” Shen Xiang took out a piece of beautiful fruit flesh. This was the flesh of the Earth Core Divine Fruit, and Yan Zilan immediately realized that it had a special quality upon seeing it.毒,竟然在我麵前玩這套!”沈翔決定,就用這王老頭來實驗一下醉神散。“哈哈……你已經發現了吧,你中毒了,你今天必死無疑!”王老頭大笑道。“你什麼時候下的毒?這應該是封元毒!”龍慧姍臉色十分難看,如果不中毒的話,她早就斬殺這王老頭了。“在你們接過我給的丹時,你們就中毒了!放心,我很快就送你去見那小子的,那小子死得可惜了,還不知道為什麼會被我殺死。”王老頭雖然知道沈翔不簡單,不過他認為自己那掌打出去,就...